MCC-Masters Course in Critical Care
BCLS-Basic Cardiac Life Support, CPR-Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, Emergency condition handling technique, Basic critical care procedures, RTA PT handling guide, Basic to advance suture learning, Life-saving drugs, Emergency medicine, Drugs and dosage guide manual, Ventilator Setting and Venti PT handling guide, BiPAP, Procedures like Central Venous Catheter, ABG sample collection, HD catheter, and DC machine basics.

MCND-Masters Course in Nutrition & Diabetes
Nutrition, Clinical Nutrition, Nutrients, Nutritional status, Malnutrition, Obesity, etc. Epidemiology of nutritional disorders, their prevalence rates, causal factors, and trends over the last ten years. Features of Macro and Micronutrient deficiency and excess states, problems, assessment, and prevention through dietary diversification, modification, and fortification. Methods of assessing nutritional status: body mass index, anthropometry, clinical and biochemical methods, growth standard charts: Methods, Developments, and Interpretations. Clinical Classification of nutritional status and features of mild, moderate, and severe malnutrition

MCGO-Masters Course in Gynaecology & Obstetrics
Video Demonstration on Normal Labour Process, Complicated and Obstructed Labour Process, ANC Care, PNC Care, Vacuum Delivery Care / How to handle neonates immediately after birth, Precaution of the mother during pregnancy, Dietary and Exercise advice for mothers during pregnancy, Many more lectures are covered, Basic Instruments of Gynecology and Obstetrics needs, Procedures like Pap Smear Collection, MTP, D&C, Vasectomy, etc.

MCSD-Masters Course in Skin Diseases
Video links, study materials, and clinical cases pdf will be shared in group form which is a compilation of teaching videos from all over the globe for easy understanding of the clinical concepts. You will be able to learn about Skin Anatomy, Physiology, Basic to Advance Skin Diseases, examination, diagnosis, and management, Clinical procedure videos on Basic Sutures, Mole Removal, Abscess Drainage, Gangrenous or Diabetic Foot Dressing, and Skin care of the Burnt skin of patients.

EMS-Emergency Medicine Services
Care of illness or injuries requiring immediate medical attention, Emergency physicians and doctors continuously learn to care for unscheduled and undifferentiated patients of all ages, Guide on how to handle emergency cases, Case discussion, Treatment study material to assist you in upscaling your clinical knowledge, Develop skills to handle emergency cases Assist the ICU cases with physician coordination, and Experience and skills in the primary medical care of patients who never take appointments but come all of a sudden.

MCCH-Masters Course in Child Health
Clinical examination before and after the labour, Newborn after birth: Care & Examination, The 3-ventilator setting for Infants, Children, and Teenagers, NICU Care, Umbilical Line Procedures, Intubations Procedures, and Lumbar Puncture Procedures.
Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.